February 20, 2008

Ashamed to be an American

Michelle Obama's Dixie Chick moment
Democrat presidential front-runner Barack Obama is so charismatic and eloquent that he has to depend on his wife, Michelle, to make campaign gaffes for him. I guess she's been saying that she was never proud of America until her man decided to run for president.

I got all the details and a different take on a point of view not all that different from Ms. Obama's at Michelle Malkin's blog. If you want to ruin your day, here are some Google searches for other folks who are ashamed of America:
The Domestic Divapalooza wears the same shirt but admits she is sometimes embarrassed by her country. There is a world of difference between being embarrassed and ashamed (which is the opposite of being proud). Anyone who has traveled much knows about such circumstantial embarrassments. Bill Clinton's shenanigans often caused me to be embarrassed.

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