September 03, 2008

Sarah Palin

The Moose Hunter
I'm impressed. The McCain - Palin ticket is the right choice for America. Country first!
Update: The Morning After
Last night I saw two speeches delivered at the Republican National Convention that I thought were outstanding and others that were just plain good. The truly great speeches were delivered by Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin.

Normally the old feeder would update this post endlessly with reactions. Today, you won't need to go looking for reactions to these two great speeches. You will be bombarded with reactions, critiques and commentaries. I'm going to fix my leaky roof.
If you missed Rudy or Sarah's speech last night, you can watch them on CBS News' bandwidth dime. Sarah Palin 's speech is here. Rudy Giuliani's here. If you sent any money to the McCain Palin campaign, then you may watch both speeches here at the official RNC website without feeling guilty. Full text versions abound, you can find the Giuliani speech text here, the Palin text here.
Aside: The Plains Feeder is still getting a large number of hits from cats Googling for naughty pictures of Sarah Palin. Here is a photo that purports to be of Palin posing with a muscle car. For entertainment purposes only. [One of the Mickeys says it looks like a '73 Mustang.]
Thursday night: John McCain!

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