February 14, 2008

What do Barack Obama and Chuck Hagel have in common?

Chuck 'French Cuffs' Hagel
Q: What do Senators Barack Obama and Chuck Hagel have in common?

A: They would both like to ask the United Nations to collect a tax from Americans to be used to alleviate global poverty. In fact, the bill is named the Global Poverty Act. The UN would get the money and use it to help out the poor as they see fit: by a Marxist redistribution of wealth. That ain't all. From the National Ledger:
In addition to seeking to eradicate poverty, that declaration commits nations to banning “small arms and light weapons” and ratifying a series of treaties, including the International Criminal Court Treaty, the Kyoto Protocol (global warming treaty), the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The Senate has just passed it, while the media helped hush it up. Ron Paul hates the Global Poverty Act and the Sierra Club loves it, so you know what you must do. Call your House Representative pronto. Help stamp out commUNism.
We Nebraskans are proud of you and your new wacko friends, Chuck. Just kidding. I can't wait until we've heard the last of your Senatorial treachery.

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