Updated: More Murder for Hire!
via Michelle Malkin

Old-Fashioned Lynching in Duluth, Minnesota (click)
Many young people in America never had a chance to participate in the racist violence that was once so popular here. Since the 1960's, when do-gooders, lefty judges and bleeding hearts began forcing a raft of so-called Civil Rights laws upon us, it has been seriously illegal to kill Negroes or other minorities just to reduce their numbers.via Michelle Malkin

Old-Fashioned Lynching in Duluth, Minnesota (click)
For those readers who missed out on the baseball bat night-rides, the vigilante justice and the church bombings of the good old days, there is still an opportunity to murder Negro children legally. And you can do it from the comfort of your easy chair! All you need is some money and a phone call to your local Planned Parenthood office. The good cats at PP will use your money to kill as many Negro babies as you can afford. Licensed medical doctors will pull the little pickaninnies or beaner babies right out of their mother's womb and kill them in your name.
I heard about this great opportunity on the radio this morning. From Rush Limbaugh's Morning Update:
Recently UCLA law student James O'Keefe -- advisor for The Advocate, a pro-life student publication -- called Planned Parenthood in Ohio and Idaho, posing as a donor. Not just any donor; a donor with racist motives who wanted his donations directly targeted toward minority women.I wonder if you can get a certificate. When the good ol' boys get to bragging on their nigger whuppin' days, you could show them you've made your bones and earned your seat on that old sofa at the gas station.
According to Cybercast News Service, the donor told Planned Parenthood in Ohio that he wanted to "underwrite" an abortion "for a minority" since there "are way too many black people in Ohio." Planned Parenthood responded: "Well, for whatever reason, we'll accept the money."
Another call was handled by Planned Parenthood's Idaho office Director of Development, a woman named Autumn. The donor told her he wanted to give money "for a black baby" because he has trouble "with affirmative action," and "the less black kids out there, the better." Autumn answered: "Understandable, understandable." And then she said: "Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I have a donor... make this kind of request, so I'm excited, and want to make sure I don't leave anything out."
The Ohio office confirmed that the call took place; their CEO calls what happened a "very upsetting" violation of policy.
Now, given Planned Parenthood's strong political ties to the Democrat Party, don't look for congressional hearings -- or, for that matter, any concern at all. The two presidential liberals (Barack or Hillary) won't be asked their views, nor will this make the Drive-By nightly news. Because, after all, as far as liberals are concerned... we're only talking about black kids here -- no big deal.
Planned Parenthood isn't only about reducing the flood of colored people. They have some fun stuff for the whole family. Call your representatives in Congress and ask them to give even more of your tax dollars to Planned Parenthood. See if you can get it earmarked for genocide.
Reposted and Updated 04/02/08 - Michelle Malkin's post: More racist Planned Parenthood clinics exposed additional instances of Planned Parenthood taking money specifically earmarked to underwrite an abortion of a black woman's child. How long before the Reverend Wrights of America start raising money to kill the spawn of the grafted snake in utero.
so awesome.
What makes me sick is the number of people commenting to the effect that they think this is a good situation. President Obama loves Planned Parenthood. I can only conclude that all of you self-proclaimed racial supremacists voted for Obama and his pals in 2010. How stupid can you get?
ReplyDeleteYou say, "Down with niggers!", but you voted for Obama. Go figure.
Who the F*** are you idiots to judge any race, when your is just as if not worse? If you want to be better than some one get off your lazy f***ing ass and be a positive member of society not some redneck( and not all rednecks are bad) self hating (the reason you hate everyone else)igronant mooks living off your hate for a generation that you lost a war to. awww wahhh fuck you haters.
ReplyDeleteDaniel, I hope your unpleasant comment was left here for the folks I referred to in my comment immediately preceding yours.
ReplyDeleteWe cats here at the feedlot aren't prejudiced, bigoted racists. We don't think eugenics, genocide, ethnic cleansing or abortion are good at all. We simply wanted to bring to your attention the fact that Planned Parenthood actually practices all of the above and uses your tax dollars to do so. Its not our fault that Obama supports giving your tax money to help them do it.
WTF does the bit about 'a war you lost' got to do with anything? The USA and its allies won only war I participated in: the Cold War. If you are talking about Viet-Nam, I still don't get the connection. The Plains Feeder contributors don't hate folks generally, but your unpleasant demeanor and childish, dirty language isn't going to win folks over to whatever it is you believe. Your disjointed and mean spirited rant only leaves the impression that you are, in fact, a 'hater', Daniel.
down with your mom mother fucker, raacist supremacist shall be hanged like black people was in 1940's
ReplyDeleteRacists are sick.
ReplyDeleteits not right to kill... but its wrong to let THEM live!! WHITE POWER!!!
ReplyDeleteWe should treat Negros as our fellow bother-errs, They are so Cruel But the mercy is with the White that keeps them in their land, you will not find one Redneck in whole Blackington (Africa) .
ReplyDelete<span>I am from Brazil, there are a few percent of racist person here. I am a brazilian redneckand i know a black guy that is an African immigrant as a friend in my town, he is just like me (inside his mind), There's a lot of black and brown people that lives here. Some people arent a good civilian, but its not becouse of their skin collour its becouse of their cultural influence and historical/geographical position that is very complex. So, when a black family lives in a good town, they use to be gentle and intelligent, and a white people that lives in 'favela' criminal towns, they use to be rude and hostile. In fact the black population is bigger in bad towns, but its historical too, they are sons of the old slaves.
ReplyDeleteI cant realy understand american racism. Racism is not natural. we see differences in the skin collour, but its just fenotipic, we must to see the person individualy, not as an exemple or stereotypes of his 'race'. race is an illusion.</span>
I see no racists here. Well, except for the niggers getting pissy about white people donating money to specifically have niglets killed, which is a very important duty that we all have.
ReplyDeleteAlways remember: hating niggers cannot be a racial issue. That would imply that niggers are a race of human being, which of course they are clearly not. No, hating niggers is perfectly fine. It's not racist at all, it simply shows that you have good taste.
ReplyDeleteThis is truely amazing!! It's kind of a privledge too considering most if not all niggers wouldn't have the money to do this themselves. Kind of a white specialty treat.
ReplyDeleteracist white people ! blacks were the first on earth anyways.
ReplyDeletefuck niggers! i cant believe these parasites exist and they stink!
ReplyDeleteI am not even White, but as a South Asian guy I rather see more white people and have white friends than a crack-head NIGGER anyday! They feed on our tax dollar and use it as welfare!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt is disturbing to see how you ANIMALS express yourselves. You should all be ashamed. Talking so horribly about African American when the uneducated, ignorant and INHUMANE people are those who think it is proper to express themselves in such a disgusting way. Karma is a bitch. And she's coming for all of you idiots specially the writer of this article. If there is someone that should die, it's YOU.
ReplyDeleteI hate niggers!!! Facking monkeys!!! Kill them all!
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to see the comments about African Americans being uneducated but our white friends cannot spell correctly even with spell check. I am a teacher with a Masters Degree from Duke University. I am very educated and I have contributed to many scholarly journals pertaining to education. I teach many white and black children and it is interesting to see those white children having a more difficult time with simple addition than their white counterparts. There are uneducated white people just as their are uneducated black people. Get your statistics correct before make racist judgments.
ReplyDeleteYou fucked up your own post "Duke University Scholar". Jesus Christ you are as dumb as the niggers you "teach". Guess you never learned to reread a statement before you posted it: "it is interesting to see those white children having a more difficult time with simple addition than their white counterparts." Yeah that makes a lot sense dumbass. Good to know you college professors were as dumb as I thought you were when I MYSELF ATTENDED DUKE UNIVERSITY IN 2003.