John Monetti MugsJim Brazda, of the Washington County Pilot-Tribune, reports that
John Monetti was bailed out of the Washington County Jail yesterday. According to Jim, Monetti paid ten percent of the $2.5 million bond, or $250,000. He also agreed to surrender any passport or travel agent license he might have, stay away from the victim, any witnesses and stay off the internet. He has reportedly already left the area; the terms of his bail will require him to live with his parents in New York, where he was living when he was arrested.
His next court appearance is scheduled for the middle of July. If he fails to appear, the state will be stuck for enforcing a pre-signed extradition agreement and/or collecting the whole $2.5 million. At least he shouldn't be molesting any more Nebraskans any time soon. He may also face charges in New York stemming from porno the authorities found on his home computer, which was seized after his arrest.
Before his arrest, Mr. Monetti was a
well-respected teacher, school
administrator, coach, and '
coed equestrian instructor', mostly on Long Island. All of these jobs brought him into contact with young girls.
Monetti the Equestrian I have heard that Mr. Monetti was also active in the St. James Fire Department. Their web site has been
unavailable to the
general public since his arrest. I don't know what to make of it, but a commenter here at the Plains Feeder has suggested that John Monetti's peccadilloes were just the "tip of the iceberg". The tipster suggested that if one were to dig deeper at the fire department, more wrongdoing would be uncovered. If you wrote that comment, or if you have personal knowledge of anything related to this 'iceberg', please contact me by e-mail:
ptg at
St. James Fireman I wonder if we will ever see John Monetti here in Nebraska again. The charges against him: first degree sexual assault of a minor, felony sexual assault with use of a computer, felony child abuse and third degree sexual assault carry penalties stiff enough to make life on the lam look pretty good. Especially if you have rich folks to help you out. I don't think our courts should allow bail for out of town child molesters. Not ones like John Monetti, who apparently travelled to Nebraska repeatedly to have illicit sex with an underage, autistic girl from Blair that he met on the internet.
Update: 7/7/06
A new story from Laura Weir in the Times of Smithtown has appeared. Laura, with cooperation from Jim Brazda and Doug Barber of the
Washington County Pilot-Tribune has some excellent background and includes reaction from folks who knew Mr. Monetti in New York.
Previously in the Feeder:
June 14, 2006: John Monetti's Bond Set In Blair, Nebraska
June 07, 2006: John Monetti Arrested in Nebraska - Update
June 02, 2006: NY Teacher/Pedophile busted in Nebraska
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