March 31, 2008

ChiCom Olympics - Worse than Berlin in 1936

Support the Chinese Communist Slave State?
In my opinion, Red China can't clean up enough to qualify for hosting the Olympics. However, the Olympic organizers don't care; Hitler hosted the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936 in spite of his national socialist plans for the rest of the world.
Hitler removed signs stating "Jews not wanted" and similar slogans from the main tourist attractions. Hitler desired to clean up Berlin, the German Ministry of Interior authorized the chief of Berlin Police to arrest all gypsies and keep them in a special camp.
Similarly, the Chinese Communist government is trying to spiff-up Peking to trick foreign visitors into believing their jack-booted, murderous, freedomless, totalitarian communist regime is a mainstream democracy. As lies go, this one should be too big for anyone to swallow.

Whats wrong with Red China? Where do I start. Censorship? Oppression? Inhumanity? Barbarism? Here is just one illustration. What do you suppose the Chinese Communist state police soldiers are training for in this photograph? Click the photo to learn.

ChiCom Rifle Range?
Here is where the training pays off! Should you be found guilty of one of over 70 capital offenses while attending the Beijing (Peking) Olympics, your sentence will be carried out swiftly by skilled executioners. Click the picture below to watch the whole process.

"Open your mouth!" (reduces messy splash-back)
From the executioners: "Sometimes, the brain tissue of the prisoner may splash back onto our faces and that is really disgusting. --- We tell them to open their mouths because if the bullet passes through their mouths, they won't look too bad afterwards."

She should have opened her mouth
As for staying away from the Olympics, its up to you. The only Americans I would expect to visit Red China for the Olympic games are those losers you see wearing Che Guevara t-shirts. I hope they all like the worker's paradise so well that they decide to stay. But...

Its a real dilemma: the Olympic Games are a good thing; Red China is a bad thing. The athletes aren't to blame for the horror that is Red China. I don't think President George Bush or any other US government figure should attend the opening ceremonies. To her credit, German Chancellor Angela Merkel isn't going to add her blessing to the Chinese masquerade. What else could we do?

March 30, 2008

Lazy Blogger Post

Sometimes I wonder about Omaha
Too lazy to write anything. A few notable headlines:
Nebraska builds Eighth Wonder of the World
Nebraska Foreclosure Rate
Illegal Immigrants Arrested In Nebraska
See: Eye on Omaha. You will like it.
Need syrup for those Sunday waffles? Right here.
How about a different view of black leadership?
Want some good news? We've got that, too.

Earth Hour at the Feedlot

Lights Out at the Feedlot
Earth Hour was a big success here at the home of the greenest man in America. Lets see if 40 Watts turned off for an hour will turn back the Al-Gorian tide of impending climatological doom. It would be something if the old feeder could actually make a difference. Instead of just writing my thoughts in a bucket of water as usual, I'll use italics. Demo! Demo!

Otherwise, the beach keeps getting closer to Omaha.

March 29, 2008

Mundo Sin Verguenza

A Nation of Beggars?
Where is the shame? Probably the same place these cats left their pride and self-respect.

March 26, 2008

John McCain at World Affairs Council

Happened to be in town today. I'm watching John McCain's speech to the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles on Fox. It is as though McCain is listing all the reasons I think he is an awful candidate. What a moron. From Global Warming to Unilateral Disarmament, he's running the gamut. The fruits in LA are eating it up.

March 24, 2008

Iraq War Dead at 4,000 - a perspective

4,000 US lives Sacrificed for Freedom
Here is a little chart I put together to help put the number of US dead in the Iraq War into perspective. Just as when the toll reached 1,000, 2,000 and 3,000, todays total of 4,000 deaths is being touted as some sort of awful milestone.

The Iraq War hasn't called for more sacrifice than our soldiers have been willing to make. We should honor these 4,000 men and women, not using their deaths to mock their cause. To ensure that their deaths will not have been in vain, we must stay the course to victory in Iraq.
Most of the numbers came from here.
Yet another perspective, from Wizbang:
If you divide the total number of abortions provided by Planned Parenthood in 2006 by 365, you find out that they performed an average of 793 abortions a week day -- presuming they operated 24/7/365. If you knock off weekends and holidays, it's probably closer to 250 days, which brings the total up to 1158.6. That converts to roughly, five years worth of American casualties in Iraq every three and a half DAYS.
Some tragedy, no?

Omaha Mayor Fahey Recall Petition Drive Starts Today

Send me back to Kansas City
The petitions start circulating today. If you are fed up with Omaha Mayor Mike Fahey, whether it be for his ill-advised, forcible and undemocratic annexations, his costly plans for a needless new ball park, or his overreaching desire to expand the grasp of city government, get out and sign a petition. Don't wait: 21,734 valid signatures are needed by April 22 to get the issue brought to a general vote.

Here are the initial locations where recall petitions will be available today: Rosenblatt Stadium parking lot. Memorial Park, and the Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 3943 in Elkhorn. I expect the Elkhorn location will be doing a land office business; there is no love lost on Mayor Fahey in that berg.

The old feeder doesn't live in Omaha, but I despise petty tyrants who pursue public service only to enrich their cronies with tax money. Mike Fahey is just such a man, and its time to kick him to the curb before he does more damage.

March 22, 2008

Pope pours it on a Mohammedan apostate for Easter

Pope Benedict baptises Magdi Allam
At the Vatican, Pope Benedict kicked off the Easter weekend today by babtizing a well known Italian journalist who converted to Catholicism from being a born Mohammedan. There are many ways to read this story. I like this one. Anyone for rejoicing?

March 21, 2008

The Incandescent Underground

Poisonous Light Bulbs: Bad Idea
On a trip to the city to buy supplies this week, I stopped at the Sam's Club in Omaha, Nebraska. Its one place where I can buy big sacks of rice, flour and other bulk staples for really reasonable prices. One of the items on my list was 40 Watt light bulbs. To my surprise, Sam's Club had only the new over-priced compact fluorescent devices for sale. No incandescent bulbs at all. Why? Because global warming fascists have managed to sneak through a law effectively banning incandescent light bulbs starting in 2012. This makes me sick.

To begin with, I don't like fluorescent lighting. The color temperature is insipid. The electronics emit a buzz you can hear. As a tightwad, however, I can sacrifice comfort or pleasure if to do so will offset these negatives with significant overall savings. Compact fluorescent bulbs don't fill the bill. I can buy incandescent 40 W bulbs for less than a quarter apiece; the fluorescents are invariably many times more expensive.

Now it is being reported that the initial high price of the fluorescent bulb isn't the only cost involved in switching from incandescents. The damned things are made with mercury. Enough mercury that you need to take special precautions not to poison your household if you break one. Costly precautions. Its enough to make me decide to put up a supply of incandescent bulbs in a clandestine cache. I'll get blackout curtains for my windows to foil the light bulb police and such neighbors as might rat me out to them. My mother wouldn't have dreamed that light bulbs would lead me to a life of crime. Sorry, Mom.
In keeping with my status as the greenest man in America, I have always used light bulbs of the lowest wattage I can stand. I got the idea from one of my more intelligent uncles, a dentist in Washington, DC, nick-named 10 Watt Robbins. He is gone now, but his tightwad lighting policies live on in me.

Most bulbs in my home are 40 Watt incandescents. The kitchen and bathroom each rate a 60 W light, so I don't poison myself cooking or taking medicine. Area lights, such as I have, are all 25 W. I have big fluorescent fixtures in my shop, but I never use them unless I lose something on the floor. I turn all my lights off when not in use. I save money and, quite incidentally, pollute the earth very little. Leave me alone.

I shall not yield to eco-fascism. Long live the incandescent underground!

March 20, 2008

UFO photographed over Nebraska State Capitol

UFO fly-by in Lincoln, Nebraska
Nebraskans are generally skeptical of UFO sightings, and that includes the old feeder. All that might be about to change, however, as a result of this picture.

Today an otherworldly flying machine was spotted and photographed hovering over the State Capitol building in Lincoln, Nebraska. Not just some generic flying saucer, but a distinctive, complex machine that has been seen and photographed at least twice before. Some reports and photos of this craft are over 30 years old. Certainly you have seen some of these clear photographs, such as the one below that has been in the news this past week.

UFO over Capitola, California
The case of these California sightings are the subject of a "cold-case" investigation by some west coast private detectives. The new sighting here in Nebraska is sure to interest to detectives T.K. Davis and Frankie Dixon. The phenomenon has already caused quite a stir in Lincoln.

Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman, who had planned to sign proclamations naming this day as Mexican Equinox Day, instead found himself trying to calm angry constituents. He was repeatedly asked why the National Guard hadn't been called in to shoot down these space ships. Heineman suggested that we should determine whether or not the spacemen wanted to buy soybeans before acting rashly.

The State's Unicameral legislature was called into emergency session to see if passing some new laws wouldn't placate these invaders. Most agreed that making aliens illegal was more of a federal thing, but Senator DiAnna Schimek suggested offering in-state tuition to their children. Meanwhile, the Des Moines, Iowa city council reacted by proposing that the city offer sanctuary to the space invaders.

A Cherry County cattleman has taken out an ad in the Omaha World Herald warning of the consequences of ignoring this threat. The ad suggests that these aliens are responsible for numerous cattle mutilations on his ranch. Many Nebraska missing persons cases are being re-examined for possible alien abduction connections.

Omaha Mayor Mike Fahey was rumored to be considering incorporating a space-port landing zone into his planned new downtown ballpark. His thinking seems to be that the prospect of having space ship landings near the Quest Center will give his ballpark plan the broad-based community support it needs to keep the College World Series in Omaha.

BTW, today is the first day of Spring. Enjoy.

March 19, 2008

President Bush's Iraq War Speech: no apologies

Its nice to hear a speech from a political person that doesn't consist of excuses, apologies, spins or flip-flops. The war in Iraq has been and will be historically regarded as a great success. The long-term positive geopolitical consequences of our bold action are impossible to overestimate. The human and financial costs of this bold and timely intervention on the side of goodness and reason have been held to a minimum.

Our troops are statistically almost as safe in Iraq as they would be on the streets at home, but their losses are meaningful, willing sacrifices. Getting nailed by a stray bullet in one of our cities is tragic, but these deaths, like highway fatalities, serve no end, good or evil. Our enemies, the nation-less but pervasive fanatical Mohammedan Jihadists, aren't faring well at all. Iraq is not Viet-Nam or Korea. We are winning this important war, and the world will be a better place for it.

Thanks, President Bush, for turning a deaf ear to the defeatists. Short-sighted idiots with long-range delusions of Global Kumbayah, like Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel, would keep America making excuses and apologies.
Barack Obama's Iraq war speech: what a whiney moron. You can see "forget about Rev. Wright" in the poseur that would be president's face. Gosh, but he sure talks slick! The man is nought but a silver-plated tongue mounted on a weather-vane.

March 18, 2008

Barack Obama's New Friends: Black Panthers

Obama Changes Daily
Barack Obama has got problems that have him back-pedaling and making excuses instead of campaigning for the Democrat Presidential nomination. First it was Louis Farakhan, madman leader of the US fanatical Black Muslims (the Nation of Islam) throwing his support for Barry O. Then his foul-mouthed, America-hating, racist, black supremacist minister Rev. Jeremiah Wright is found out for the scumbag he is, requiring more double talk from Mr. Obama. What could be next?

The Black Panthers, thats what. Gateway Pundit points out another page from Barack Obama's campaign web-site showing the connection between the candidate and the radical black supremacist outfit. These dangerous '60's leftovers support Barack and he's proud of it. [Updated: the Obama website has pulled the page referenced in the preceding link. Good thing I have it cached right here.] Omaha readers might recall our travails with an Omaha Police officer and Black Panther activist, Tariq Al-Amin. He was fired but later reinstated after offering to give some kids razors to cut their not-black-enough minister's throat.

All this racist crap emanating from the persona of Barack Obama has overshadowed the candidate's attempts to out-Marxist his Democrat opponent, Hillary Clinton. The only thing that could possibly draw the American voters' attention away from his racist roots now would be for Barack and Michelle to confess to some sort of shocking sexual peccadilloes. Or, perhaps some new revelations about his drug use would help.
The Big Flag Draped Speech in Philadelphia. So the US Constitution was no good from the get-go? Some theme. It still appears that this ideological chameleon wants to have things both ways with a growing number of polarities.
Michelle Malkin has posted the old feeder's photoshop of Barack's Shepard Fairey poster calling it: The new Barack Obama logo: Agent of left-wing same old. I'm honored.

March 17, 2008

Revolution on the South China Sea

Bay of Nha Trang
The business of Vietnam is business, as American communist Tom Hayden found out during a recent visit. Being a founder of sixties radicalism, Chicago Seven defendant, a California state congressman for 18 years, and ex-husband of superstar (Hanoi) Jane Fonda didn't count for much over there. The Vietnamese were much more excited when billionaire Buddhist Bill Gates made a 2006 visit.

I did my 12 months in Nha Trang in 1968-69 and saw several ex-servicemen return to the "French Riviera of Vietnam" and establish businesses in this tropical paradise. But - as we all know- the Vietnamese like to do things their own way so we had to leave.

It must have broken poor old Tom's heart to see what the revolution has come to; fancy cars, nice clothes, luxury apartments. He didn't mind those things for himself and Hanoi Jane, before she dumped him for real man Ted Turner, but surely feels that the rest of us would be happier as generic government serfs.

Twilight Zone

Buddy Holly
I've been working on an analysis of the origins of certain peculiar distorted vocalizations found in early rock and roll music. Yesterday, I was listening very carefully to Buddy Holly singing "Peggy Sue" when I recalled something very weird from a winter night in 1966. It was one of those Twilight Zone experiences; a moment in time when your consciousness seems to slip a cog.

One snowy, cold Saturday night that winter, a college roommate and I got a ride to another town not too far our campus. Our friend with the car told us there was to be a dance at the local Legion Hall featuring a local band we had seen and liked before. At the dance, my pal and I met some convivial young ladies who invited us to a beer party at their house. Imbued with youthful hopes, we told our ride that we'd be staying the night and he left without us; we rode with our new friends to their house on the edge of town.

The party setting consisted of dim colored lights, portable record-player stereo music, cases of Hamm's Beer and a big bottle of syrupy sloe gin. The ladies were most accommodating and I thought the party was going well when a carload of local jocks appeared on the scene. Among the new arrivals were a couple of cats who felt that the ladies we'd met more properly belonged to them.

A fight ensued. As gentlemen, we took it outdoors, where my friend made quick work of his adversary, getting the jump on him, as it were. My antagonist had his hands in his pockets and was back-pedaling before his bloodied jock friend hit the snow. The carload of angry boys peeled out, vowing loudly to return in greater force. The girls started weeping about the ugly turn of events, so my pal and I decided to walk to the highway and hitch-hike homewards.

The night was bitter cold by then. Neither of us was dressed warmly. I wore blue jeans, a sweatshirt, engineer boots and a leather motorcycle jacket. The highway was snow-packed and we stamped our feet in the wind while waiting for a car. When finally we saw some headlights approaching, we were ready to posture as nonchalant thumbers, half joking that it might be a carload of jocks armed with baseball bats. It wasn't.

The white 1965 Thunderbird convertible zoomed past us, then the driver slammed on the brakes. The big T-bird slid for a quarter mile on the ice, stopped and sped backwards to where we stood. The eight-foot wide passenger door swung open and the front bucket seat tilted forward so my friend and I could get into what passed for a back seat. The interior lights revealed that the car held two young men wearing sweaters and nice hair-dos. The big front console held two stemmed martini glasses and a silver drink shaker. There were olives on the long fancy swizzle sticks. As the big boat of a car fishtailed back onto the highway I thought to myself: "These cats are most certainly queers. Hope they don't make trouble." I could tell that my pal was thinking the same thing.

The rear window curtain on the convertible top was missing, so it wasn't much warmer inside the car. When the Thunderbird reached an unreasonable speed, the driver turned to talk, "Who do you think is riding shotgun? It's Buddy Holly! Take a look." The cat in the passenger's seat turned around and thats when the cog slipped. Buddy Holly, trademark glasses, pompadour and all, was right there not three feet away, smiling between the bucket seats. My pal and I were speechless. The illusion was complete.

The mystery men then resumed shaking up martinis and sipping them as the freezing wind from the missing window drowned out any further talk. Minutes later, back in college town, my roomie and I got out of the car, said thanks to the party boys, and watched the Thunderbird speed away, taking the Twilight Zone with it. We decided not to tell anyone about this incident, and many years later we still couldn't agree on what exactly had transpired. He's dead now. I still wonder if it wasn't a ghost.
This incident occurred only a few miles from Clear Lake Iowa, home of the Surf Ballroom and not far from the place where Buddy Holly, the Big Bopper and Richie Valens were killed in a wintry plane crash. Go figure.

March 16, 2008

Just what Nebraska needs: Cesar Chavez Day

Cesar Chavez and the UFW: Its all SO Nebraska
What happened? All of a sudden, out of the blue, there it is in the news. From now on, March 31st will be Cesar Chavez Day in Nebraska.

The only thing that even vaguely ties Nebraska to the founder of the United Farm Worker's Union is the big red signs these commie gangsters wave. How on earth did Nebraskans sit back and allow our one-horse one-house Unicameral to spray paint this fake leftist holiday on our statutes? Now we become one of less than a half dozen other wacko states that have fallen for this idiotic holiday movement. Even Iowans will laugh at us.

The United Farm Workers has become nothing more than another leftist racket. Idolizing them with postage stamps, fiestas and phony-baloney holidays springs from the same misguided liberal stylishness that brought us the Che Guevara t-shirt. You can even buy art prints of UFW stike posters, perfect gifts for the sandalistas on your Christmas Winter Holiday list.

What's next, Ho Chi Minh Day?
Back in the 1970's, the old feeder was shopping for groceries at a store in an Iowa college town. I was tasting grapes in the produce department when a whispery woman's voice came from behind me saying, "There's blood on those grapes." How was I to know that it was a damned union slogan? I thought she knew something about the grapes that I didn't. I started spitting and left the store with no appetite and no grapes.

March 14, 2008

Roots: Barack Obama's Christian Faith

Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. with Barry-O
Are you one of those racist paranoiacs who worry that Barack Obama might actually be a vile Mohammedan fanatic who despises America and the American way? Did you get a twinge to hear that Mr. Obama's wife has never been proud of the USA? Well, you can stop worrying.

Here is proof that Barack and his family are bona-fide regular members of a genuine, certified Christian Church right here in the heartland. Why would the Obamas need to join some outlandish foreign church when they can find a fiery America-hating, Jihadist-loving, crypto-racist Mainstream Christian Church right in their home town?

Watch this clip of Barack and Michelle Obama's minister of Jesus at work. Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr. spews hatred for America as well as the best Mullahs anywhere. Christians need look no farther than the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois to get their weekly pulpit-full of anti-American vitriol. The Reverend Wright has twisted the words of Jesus to conform with the fanatical Mohammedan's hateful world view, almost point for point.

I know I'll sleep better tonight, secure in the belief that our next President isn't a Mohammedan fanatic. He is a good old-fashioned Christian, just like most Americans. Roll over Mohammed!
Louis Farrakhan, the wacky Black Mohammedan Nation of Islam fruit, supports Barack Obama's candidacy, but Barack minimizes Loco Louie's sway over him by pointing out just what a mainstream Christian he really is. Hussein is nothing but a middle name Mr. Obama didn't even select for himself. Barack's pastor Jeremiah and his church represent the candidate's own chosen faith. BTW, Rev. Wright hangs out with Imam Farrakhan, even traveling to Libya with him to engage in treachery with that great religious leader Muammar Khadaffi.
Take a walk on the wild side, boomers. Vote Obama in 2008. And the colored cats go: God Damn America!

March 11, 2008

Alimony hints for Silda Spitzer

Get the calculator out...
Its such a pleasure to see self righteous, hypocritical officials laid low by their own base weaknesses. New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's costly dalliances with prostitutes is no exception. I've got nothing new about this public peccadillo, but can't help being fascinated by the way cats like Spitzer get their wronged wives to stand up next to them when they try to apologize.

The women I know either have more self respect or else enough vindictiveness to refuse being used a a prop in such a sorry display. Some of them have guns.

March 10, 2008

Perils of hot-linking

WTF? Thats not what I hot-linked!
One aspect of publishing on the internets that is unique to the medium is hot-linking, aka in-line linking. This happens when one web site incorporates content (usually graphics) from another site without actually hosting the content. I can put one of your pictures on my blog at your expense by hot-linking it. That way, whenever someone views my web page, they are using your bandwidth to view the content. Some folks consider this a form of theft. Whatever you call it, it isn't nice.

The following paragraphs are tedious and rambling. Click here to skip to the good part.

The old feeder has an unconventional view of patent, copyright and trademark laws: they stink on ice. I'd elaborate on why I think these created-by-law rights don't enjoy the same status as the fundamental and inalienable rights enshrined, (not created or granted) by our constitution, but you wouldn't care. The 'rights' these ill-conceived laws protect are personal and shouldn't involve the state. 'Nuff said.

Back to hot-linking. The Plains Feeder publishes lots of pictures, many of which are original digital works, the old feeder uses his own meager personal funds to buy server space and bandwidth to serve up all the pictures you see here. I don't much care for other cats to use my bandwidth and server space without permission or payment.

There are numerous goofy methods to prevent hot-linking, but none of them are 100% effective. Sending out threatening 'lawyer letters- to the offenders is stupid; I've written rafts of such cease and desist threats for clients over the years, and most folks throw them in the trash. Calling the bandwidth police won't help, either; there aren't any.
What do I do when I catch someone hot-linking an image that lives on my server? I re-name the image used on my site and adjust the HTML code to show the new name. If I would delete the old image from my server, the wicked hot-linker would find the picture desaparecido from the offending web page. But thats no fun at all, so I replace the original image with something else. Something the offender would never have dreamed of incorporating (read: stealing). Something funny or shocking shows up in place if the swiped photo.

An example: The picture above this post, showing a buggy Warren Buffet, has been published by for almost a year now. The original image that these bums hot-linked came from this nice Plains Feeder post about Warren Buffet's convoluted love life. The weasels at WiredGC used the image from this post as if it were one of their own personal 'file photos', hot-linking it without permission or attribution. The miscreants haven't caught my switcheroo in all this time; their readers are treated to my buggy Marxist version. WiredGC's readers must think the editors there are nuts.

Vigilante justice doesn't always have to be unpleasant. Cop a laugh.

March 08, 2008

Omaha: It's time for Mayor Fahey to GO...

Apologies to Stalin's family
Its about time someone started a drive to recall Mike Fahey. The long overdue recall effort has begun, and signatures are needed pronto. Find someone with a petition and sign it! Better yet, help circulate petitions or otherwise support this laudable effort.

The current Mayor of Omaha, Nebraska, is a dishonest petty tyrant who has sold the City down the riverfront. We've watched him disregard the will of the people when he forced the Elkhorn annexation down the throats of the good people of that nice un-Omaha-like town. Then he tried to hijack all the school districts in his One City, One School District fiasco. Now he wants a new ballpark built downtown without regard for whether its what the people want or even if it is a good idea or not.

Here's the website. It isn't much, but the reasoning behind the need to stop this megalomaniacal little Caesar now is sound. What's next Mike? A useless footbridge across the Missouri River to Iowa that nobody wants? Oh, I forgot...
More Plains Feeder reasons to recall Mayor Fahey.

March 06, 2008


In the disgusting effort to blow out the crap draining from my recent sinus infection, I threw out something in my back. Hurts so that I am using Windows' On-Screen Keyboard and a mouse to type this. As if that weren't enough, a giant sneeze caused my teeth to rattle, shattering a high-mileage molar, I'm taking a break before something else goes bad.

This has been the winter of my discomfort.

March 03, 2008

Jane Fonda's ugly sister

Jane Fonda and her ugly sister, Gloria Steinem
Gloria Steinem says in the New York Observer that John McCain's military service, including his awful stint as a POW in North Viet-Nam doesn't amount to much. I'm speechless at the unpatriotic idiocy of these Democrats.

Since none of the Democrat candidates this time have done any military service at all, one might expect Democrats to say that military experience ought to be counted against a candidate for the US Presidency. You wouldn't be disappointed: nutless wonder Wesley Clark is right there with the girls on this one. After all..
What if Hanoi Jane had helped shoot down McCain when she was posing on that NVA anti-aircraft battery?

How to kill Negroes legally

Updated: More Murder for Hire!
via Michelle Malkin

Old-Fashioned Lynching in Duluth, Minnesota (click)
Many young people in America never had a chance to participate in the racist violence that was once so popular here. Since the 1960's, when do-gooders, lefty judges and bleeding hearts began forcing a raft of so-called Civil Rights laws upon us, it has been seriously illegal to kill Negroes or other minorities just to reduce their numbers.

For those readers who missed out on the baseball bat night-rides, the vigilante justice and the church bombings of the good old days, there is still an opportunity to murder Negro children legally. And you can do it from the comfort of your easy chair! All you need is some money and a phone call to your local Planned Parenthood office. The good cats at PP will use your money to kill as many Negro babies as you can afford. Licensed medical doctors will pull the little pickaninnies or beaner babies right out of their mother's womb and kill them in your name.

I heard about this great opportunity on the radio this morning. From Rush Limbaugh's Morning Update:
Recently UCLA law student James O'Keefe -- advisor for The Advocate, a pro-life student publication -- called Planned Parenthood in Ohio and Idaho, posing as a donor. Not just any donor; a donor with racist motives who wanted his donations directly targeted toward minority women.

According to Cybercast News Service, the donor told Planned Parenthood in Ohio that he wanted to "underwrite" an abortion "for a minority" since there "are way too many black people in Ohio." Planned Parenthood responded: "Well, for whatever reason, we'll accept the money."

Another call was handled by Planned Parenthood's Idaho office Director of Development, a woman named Autumn. The donor told her he wanted to give money "for a black baby" because he has trouble "with affirmative action," and "the less black kids out there, the better." Autumn answered: "Understandable, understandable." And then she said: "Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I have a donor... make this kind of request, so I'm excited, and want to make sure I don't leave anything out."

The Ohio office confirmed that the call took place; their CEO calls what happened a "very upsetting" violation of policy.

Now, given Planned Parenthood's strong political ties to the Democrat Party, don't look for congressional hearings -- or, for that matter, any concern at all. The two presidential liberals (Barack or Hillary) won't be asked their views, nor will this make the Drive-By nightly news. Because, after all, as far as liberals are concerned... we're only talking about black kids here -- no big deal.
I wonder if you can get a certificate. When the good ol' boys get to bragging on their nigger whuppin' days, you could show them you've made your bones and earned your seat on that old sofa at the gas station.
Planned Parenthood isn't only about reducing the flood of colored people. They have some fun stuff for the whole family. Call your representatives in Congress and ask them to give even more of your tax dollars to Planned Parenthood. See if you can get it earmarked for genocide.
Reposted and Updated 04/02/08 - Michelle Malkin's post: More racist Planned Parenthood clinics exposed additional instances of Planned Parenthood taking money specifically earmarked to underwrite an abortion of a black woman's child. How long before the Reverend Wrights of America start raising money to kill the spawn of the grafted snake in utero.