August 31, 2006

Dave Hahn's shrinking support

David Hahn - Running for Governor of Nebraska
First it was the blue jeans at the big debate. The farmers at the State Fair weren't fooled. Now Democrat Dave Hahn is dissing State Senator for Life Ernie Chambers. For those readers unfamiliar with Senator Chambers, he represents many of the state's black folks, and is not only a man of color himself, but is also, as the Wiki so charitably puts it, colorful.

Just when the old feeder thought Dave's poll numbers could hardly get any worse, he now risks alienating Nebraska's black voters. Democrats in our state have always assumed that the black vote was automatically in their pocket. If Dave can change this, he won't have a constituency at all.

Do I see a Heineman landslide coming?

August 30, 2006

New to the Feedlot Blogroll

the talk of Nebraska politics
The old feeder has added a new entry to the Great Plains Blogroll. Leavenworth Street brings to mind the real nitty gritty of downtown Omaha. From the old warehouse district along the Missouri River, past the 11-Worth Cafe (think hash browns), and on out toward the University of Omaha, Leavenworth Street exemplifies hard-working Omaha.

The blog by that name offers lighthearted but thorough coverage of statewide Nebraska politics, apparently from a Leavenworth St. perspective. From what I have read so far, the Street is full of juicy local details and sharp observations. Check out Leavenworth Street, even if you aren't from Nebraska.

John Monetti - accused child rapist - update

Update: Click for the latest post on John Monetti.

"Well, I haven't really done anything wrong."
It has been almost a month since the Plains Feeder has had anything to report on the ugly case of Mr. John Henry Monetti. As you may recall, Mr. Monetti has been charged with child rape and sundry other crimes as a result of his repeated trips to Blair, Nebraska from his home on Long Island, New York.

The evidence, together with Monetti's own confession, indicate that he came here on several occasions to have sex with an under-aged, autistic girl in Blair that he met on the internet. He was caught by an alert citizen and a cop that followed a 'hunch'.

The old feeder has been getting numerous e-mails asking when the former teacher, school principal and riding coach is due back in Washington County Court. As things stand, John Monetti is free on a $2.5 million bond, and is thought to have returned to Long Island. (I don't expect him to return to Nebraska, ever.)

Today I broke down and called the Clerk of the Washington County Court to ask if anything was in the works for the criminal case. According to the clerk, John Monetti's case is due to be called on October 12th for hearing a "motion to quash". He also has a "preliminary hearing" on the docket for October 26th.

I don't know exactly what Monetti's lawyers want to quash, but motions to quash can be used in an attempt to nullify search warrants, testimony, confessions, subpoenas, etc. On the facts, it would appear that Mr. Monetti might have a laundry list of things he'd like to see quashed. The preliminary hearing, which can be waived by the defendant, is simply to determine if enough evidence remains to continue with the prosecution against Monetti after the motions are heard and ruled upon.

Whether Mr. Monetti must appear in person for the motion hearing is a matter to be decided between John's attorneys and the prosecutor. I don't expect that his presence will be required.

That is all I have on the John Monetti case for now. Stay tuned for further developments. In the meantime, I should point out that Washington County, Nebraska has its own perverts to catch and prosecute. We don't need any more of them from New York or anywhere else.
Updated: Read Jim Brazda's new story in the Washington County Tribune & Enterprise for details. A comment from Kay in Blair, Nebraska explains:
The motion to quash was filed by the prosecution. His attorney wants to subpoena the girl along with the school counselor & is asking for school records trying to prove she was capable of resisting. She is only 15. Age of consent in Nebraska is 16. Still illegal!
I'm guessing the defense is threatening to make the whole business out to be the girl's fault. I think the last state to require bruises to prove up a rape case was Hawaii. None of these issues are germane to the statutory rape charges; consent, lack of resistance, acquiescence and even active encouragement on the part of the underage participant aren't proper defenses. Perhaps such issues might be more appropriate at sentencing.

This hard-ass defense would appear to be no more than an attempt at jury nullification. Nauseating as such tactics may seem, the accused is entitled to a zealous defense. If only Mr. monetti had the moral strength to admit that what he did violated the law. That would spare his victim from further distress. After all, it isn't the girl who is bringing charges against Mr. Monetti, but the State of Nebraska.
Aside: The St. James Fire Department web site, where Lieutenant John Monetti was a firefighter, is once again available on the internets, sans Lt. Monetti's picture. (To see Engine 431's page without scrolling past the mugs of dozens of other firefighters, click here)
Previous John Monetti posts in the Plains Feeder:
August 01, 2006: John Monetti back on Long Island?
July 13, 2006: John Monetti Update
June 30, 2006 : John Monetti, accused child molester, makes bail
June 14, 2006: John Monetti's Bond Set In Blair, Nebraska
June 07, 2006: John Monetti Arrested in Nebraska - Update
June 02, 2006: NY Teacher/Pedophile busted in Nebraska

There ought to be a law!

America - where everything is obese - click
What pops into the old feeder's in-box this morning? A press release generated 'news story' from the Atlanta Journal on how fat Americans have become. The story originates with the Trust for America's Health's annual report entitled: F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies are Failing in America, 2006. The Trust's web site even has an interactive map allowing lazy local reporters to produce 'news' stories customized for their state. Here is Nebraska's Fat Report.

Washington D.C. is chock full of Foundations, Trusts and Associations, most of them scheming and plotting to get more laws passed. They are all lobbyists of one sort or another. This might be a good thing, inasmuch as these outfits keep thousands of lawyers occupied except for the negative effect on liberty these machinations create.

We don't hear from the Trust for America's Health but once a year. Like most of these D.C. "there ought to be a law" organizations, their name makes them sound like they are innocuous, maybe even good. Who isn't in favor of a healthy America? But, like the rest of these playgrounds for liberal lawyers, the net effect they desire is the communist enslavement of us all. Sound drastic? Read on.

These people really don't care a rat's ass for you or your health. What they are really promoting is nationalized health care. They don't come right out and say it, but that is the net result. Why would the government care if you are fat or not? Only if you look to the government to take care of you when your heart, back and knees shell out, or you need your legs cut off from your obesity induced diabetes. The more our "health care system" becomes nationalized and ruled by laws instead of reason, the less freedom we enjoy.
Think HillaryCare. Imagine a US Dietary Code and the shelves of regulations emanating therefrom. What makes anyone think America needs a 'health care system' anyway? Isn't our health our own responsibility? I think free enterprise can easily solve the problems caused by obesity. We don't need more government control over our everyday lives.
California needs only Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's signature to adopt state-wide HillaryCare. HT: Ed at Captain's Quarters.

August 29, 2006

News Stories Fizzle

The Quest for Used Corrugated Steel Ends
The old elevator from which DadGum and the old feeder were going to try to salvage some old-fashioned corrugated steel has been demolished. We inspected the site and sought out the owners. While we sat and schemed how we might go about the job, the owners demolished it. End of story.

Eyes on Karr - Click
Creepy pervert John Mark Karr turns out not to be the murderer of JonBenet Ramsey. Is anyone surprised? Now he faces misdemeanor kiddy porn charges in California.

The blowing of the cover of CIA secret agent super-spy Valerie Plame turns out to be a non-story. All that liberal howling about Bush trying to stick it to clueless Joe Wilson and his fake spy wife was for naught. No story here, only lies and fake news. Plame-gate, my butt.

At least you can be happy that you aren't Mary Lacy, the prosecutor who brought Kreepy Karr all the way from Thailand on the basis of no evidence at all. She isn't going to back down. I wonder if she got her sex-change surgery in Thailand?

Mary Lacy: "not embarrassed"
I'll bet she didn't. Boulder, Colorado is so liberal that the public employees' health plan no doubt covers gender reassignment. In either case, Ms. Lacy should get her money back.

Convert to Islam or Die? Just cross your fingers!

Auto da Fe - Madrid - 1680
Everyone is glad that the two Fox newsmen held hostage in Gaza were released alive. That they weren't beheaded is evidence that the Mohammedan fanatics have taken to heart the advice of their PR Imams and are cooling the once popular practice of videotaped throat-cuttery. Such grisly deeds as Mr. Berg's beheading never had the desired effect on us infidels. Even the pro-Mohammedan western media saw this PR failing and wouldn't show the gore on TV or the newspapers. You can see the nastiness at Ogrish, but never on the nightly news.

What has replaced the long, blurry videos? The ones showing the tedious reading of charges in Arabic as a doomed infidel kneels in front of a rag-tag squad of AK rattling masked sheet-heads, followed by the fumbling horror of incompetent butchers beheading the writhing, screaming unbeliever? Forced conversion to Islam! What could be worse?

Forced religious conversions are nothing new. The Romans were known to force early Christians and others to offer a 'pinch of incense' to Jupiter to avoid martyrdom. The Christians of old let a few Jews escape burning at the stake at an auto da fe if they would convert and be babtised. The Christian conversion of the Slavs was accomplished at the point of a sword. Some even accuse the Catholic Church of forced conversions as late as WWII. But the key to all of these examples is that they happened in the past.

In the past! That is exactly where these brutal, uncivilized, primitive behaviors belong. The horrific ways of our ancestors are artifacts of the process by which we have sought to distinguish ourselves from the beast. We don't draw and quarter our outlaws any more. No one in America risks being broken on the wheel or having his flesh burned in a trial by ordeal. At least not at the hands of the government. Yet these very practices were part of our inherited justice system in the not so distant past. Obviously, we aren't clamoring to bring them back.

While this progress from brute physical torture/murder to theological torture/abjuratory anathema is good, I predict that the Mohammedan fanatics will not be happy with their new forced conversion to Islam program. I don't think westerners today are as doctrinaire as their predecessors; the ones that chose to feed the lions in the Roman Colosseum rather than offer to Jupiter. We will simply cross our fingers when we take the Mohammedan pledge! It isn't a sin to lie to the Devil, is it?
Addendum: David Koyzis, the Byzantine-Rite Calvinist, agrees that lying to the terrs wouldn't be wrong. Especially if the one doing the lying isn't a Christian: "To die for something as abstract as 'the West' while lacking an ultimate hope in redemption is almost certainly more than one can demand from a journalist steeped in a secular worldview."

August 27, 2006

Scorpios get screwed

We live in a planetary universe and on a beautiful planet that most of us want to enjoy and suffer upon for as long as we can. Liking planets so well western astrologers sliced us into twelve groups and gave each group their own planet. Not everyone got their own. Gemini and Virgo had to share Mercury, and Taurus and Libra had to share Venus. Scorpio used to have to share Mars with Aries. It took the scorpions a long time to be able to claim Pluto as their own.

For the Romans Pluto was lord of the Underworld.If you know any Scorpios very well you can make up your own stories. Recently some astronomers took Pluto off the planetary A-team and reclassified it as a "dwarf planet", something they're thinking of doing with Neptune so you Pisces types better be on your toes. I've got a feeling this reclassification business could bother the Pisces people somewhat more than the Scorpio's, most of who wouldn't give a shit what astronomers do.

I'm a Virgo. A few years ago astrologers decided we had a small rock called Vulcan (Roman god of fire and volcanoes) somewhere close to Mercury that said more about who we are than the excessively verbose and literate Mercury that we had to share with Gemini. If you think this blog is too long it would probably be much longer if composed by a Gemini. Lucky for us the astronomers haven't been able to find the planet Vulcan so they won't be trying to screw us out of our rightful mythology like they're doing to Scorpio's.

I'm just doing this to help PT. If he sees that I'm doing an astrology post he'll get right to work and bury it as quickly as he can. I wonder what the old feeder's sign is....

August 26, 2006

Back at the Feedlot

West Lake Okoboji - Dry Dock Lounge Webcam
I'd like to say I was refreshed from a week of ogling girls on the beach at the Iowa Great Lakes, or taking classes at the University of Okoboji, but the old feeder spent most of the time visiting relatives and conspiring with DadGum.

I was there for my Dad's birthday. I won't say how old the cat is, but Plains Feeder readers know I'm no spring chicken and my Dad is, needless to say, somewhat older. He and my lovely step-Mom golf by day and crawl the resort area clubs by night. I can't keep up with them.

DadGum and I had a plan to salvage some corrugated steel sheathing from an old wooden grain elevator scheduled for demolition in nearby Spencer, Iowa. I need the stuff to keep the rats and skunks from getting into my house, having run out of old license plates to nail over the holes. The old building stunk so bad from rotting grain that we put off the job until it was too late.

The grass/weeds here at the feedlot kept growing while I was away, and the garden is producing peppers faster than I can pickle them, so I have my work cut out for me. I'm hoping to get caught up in a few days and be able to post more regularly. Its good to be home.

August 25, 2006

Bat season

A cat belonging to a woman in Spencer, Iowa, quite possibly saved her life when it caught a bat in the middle of the night. It killed the bat which was sent in for testing and found to have rabies. Being overdue for its rabies shot the cat had to give its own life in case it was infected by the bat.

I've had to chase down a bat in my house on a number of occasions. It's not easy to seal a house so it's batproof. Should you find one in your house it would be a good idea to catch it, kill it without damaging the head if that's possible, and have it tested for rabies.

Bats have super sharp little teeth and can bite you while you're sleeping without waking you. Unless you're positive you haven't been bitten it's a good idea to test your creepy little corpse for the rabies virus.

August 22, 2006

'Too Short for Jail' Child Rapist's Sentence Appealed

Update: Sentence Upheld - 7/18/07

Richard Thompson
Nebraska State Attorney General Jon Bruning has petitioned the Nebraska Court of Appeals to force a reconsideration of the sentence he received for raping a 12 year old girl. Cheyenne County Judge Kristine Cecava had not sentenced the 5' 1" child molester to prison because she felt he was too short for jail. Richard Thompson has been rated by the Nebraska State Patrol as a Class III sex offender, at the greatest risk for becoming a repeat offender.

"The punishment needs to fit the crime. Sexual assault of a child is a serious crime, and Mr. Thompson is a danger to Nebraskans. Probation isn't strong enough," Attorney General Bruning said in a press release. Judge Cecava was widely criticized for her uncharacteristically soft sentence for Thompson.

The old feeder has no sympathy for cats as think it is OK to have sex with 12 year kids. For all I care, the state could just as well make him sit in the electric chair; he is a 'busted clock' that likely can't ever be fixed.
Normally, I would find this development in the 'too short for jail' case at Nebraska's Merri Musings blog, but it seems that all the mu.nuvians blogs are unavailable today. Maybe another DDOS attack from Mohammedan geeks, or perhaps the terrorists of the Lincoln Cell of the Big Red Towelheads Brigade have taken them all hostage. I know they got Vinnie.
Posted by ptg from DadGum's NW Iowa HQ.

August 20, 2006

Until the wind blows

So when does the hurricane season start, you might ask. Anytime, the experts say.

Down in Key West painted women seem oblivious to last year's boarded up buildings and evacuations.

August 19, 2006

Taking some time off for summer classes

West Lake Okoboji

The old feeder is taking a few days off at Arnolds Park, Iowa. I'll be loafing at the lakes when I'm not in school. Maybe I'll stop and see DadGum, who lives nearby, but I don't think I'll be doing much blogging.

August 18, 2006

Submarine USS Wahoo wreck found

Wahoo Memorial Torpedo
From comes a story of interest to Nebraskans. Especially those who know what the Wahoo Memorial Torpedo in the front lawn of the Saunders County, Nebraska Courthouse in Wahoo represents. The wreck of the USS Wahoo has been found in the seas north of Japan, where she was sunk Oct. 11, 1943.

It has taken a while to ID the wreck, but folks associated with the submarine's memory are already discussing what should be done next. After all, the wreck is an iron coffin for the 79 men who died when the Japanese finally sunk the Wahoo. There are concerns that sport divers or Geraldo Rivera will exploit the site.

USS Wahoo
The Wahoo wasn't named after tiny Wahoo, Nebraska, but was adopted by the town with the Navy's approval. I always marvel at how really big the old courthouse torpedo is when seen up close. Wahoo has been more widely known as the Home Office of David Letterman's Late Show.

Terrifying Judge helps terrorists

Liberal Judge Anna Diggs Taylor
Ken Blanchard has written a good analysis of the recent ruling by U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor in which she declares the very type of surveillance that has thwarted terrorist attacks since 9/11 to be unconstitutional. Judge Taylor has also issued an injunction to stop our nation's defenders from using some very effective surveillance techniques. I hope the terrorist abetting judge has merely allowed her bias against President Bush to cloud her judgment, and not that she is a dupe of or actually being employed by our enemies.

Not to worry, as Ken says in the South Dakota Politics blog, there isn't much chance of this annoying ruling and injunction to stand very long. Judge Taylor's decision runs contrary to previously established law and will no doubt fall on appeal before the wire taps on the terrorists' phones go dead. Wouldn't you know this friend of al-Qaeda was appointed to the federal bench by Jimmy Carter.
Jimmy Carter's judges are no better than anything else Mr. Peanut did for us: no-flush toilets, synfuels, the Ayatollah Khomeini, etc., etc.

August 17, 2006

Karr: If the DNA doesn't match, lock him up anyhow

John Mark Karr
Could it be this wack-job perv in the news just got tired of life on the lam from his kiddy porn charges and didn't have the money for a plane ticket back to the US? So he confesses to the JonBenet Ramsey killing to ensure a comfy trip? Anything is possible.

There is talk of a false confession and perhaps an alibi. It is my understanding that skin and 'other tissues' left behind at the JonBenet Ramsey murder scene will allow for a test that could corroborate Mr. Karr's confession. We don't convict cats here solely on the basis of a confession or allocution. There must be some other evidence that supports guilt. The DNA is the key.

The title says: If the DNA doesn't match, lock him up anyhow, and I mean just that. He needs to face the consequences of his arrest for child pornography in Sonoma County California, where he was teaching school. In spite of this cat's small stature and wimpy appearance, he is a dangerous predator. He may be presumed innocent until proved guilty, but we don't have to presume him harmless.
Update: Read some of Karr's odd-ball e-mails to University of Colorado professor Michael Tracey, courtesy RMN.

August 16, 2006

JonBenet Ramsey Murder Arrest in Thailand

JonBenet Ramsey
Details are sketchy, but it seems a man who used to be a school teacher in Conyers, Georgia, USA has confessed in Thailand to the Christmas, 1996 murder of JonBenet Ramsey. News stories are popping up all over, the Rocky Mountain News, Channel 9, and a Florida station having more depth than the others so far. I hope they have the right man. Unlike their Colorado counterparts, the Thai police can be very effective interrogators.

Thailand has a reputation for its freewheeling sex industry. Back in the day, you could get a couple of made to measure suits and a half dozen silk shirts tailored while you were entertained by some of the most beautiful women on earth. By the time the ladies were finished with you, your suits were finished as well. The prices have probably changed, but not much else.
Update: Fox news has the perpetrator named: " John Karr, a 41-year-old second grade teacher. Karr is already being held in Bangkok on unrelated sex charges."
Update: Suspect Karr confesses, but, "It was an accident." Mr. Karr's on-line resume - he was looking for a job teaching your kids.
Addendum: I think that once the criminal career of Mr. John Mark Karr is more fully known, it will be obvious why I don't think John Monetti, the New York teacher who came to Nebraska to commit child rape upon an autistic girl, will return to Nebraska to face justice. There are just too many places like Thailand and Viet-Nam where nasty, perverted child molesters think they can go. Places where the only way to get jammed up is if your antagonists (in this case, the Ramsey family's private investigators) have more bribe money than you. And, like Mr. Monetti's defenders have argued in comments to the Plains Feeder's coverage of his escapades in Nebraska have said, "It might have been true love."

Dan (fake but accurate) Rather - Still swirling

Babalu View of Dan Rather
When will it end? The long, sloppy goodbye to the communist sympathizer, broadcaster of faked news stories actually designed to improperly influence the outcome of a US Presidential election, the man who gave CBS the moniker See B.S., continues. Dan is getting yet another farewell. CBS remains unshamed by their complicity in Dan Rather and his gang's undemocratic efforts to trick the American public. Good riddance, already!

Where did you get all that pork, anyhow?

Who stole the pork?
Mary Katharine Ham, standing in for Michelle Malkin, writes about how much fun bloggers are having as they flex their new pork-busting muscles. I'm sure it is great fun. Like being able to sit in and kibitz while robbers divide the loot they just took from you and your friends would be fun. The real crime is the taking, not the divvy.

August 15, 2006

Some of my best friends are profilers

Profile 'em, Danno!
The Brits talk like they might have seen the light on profiling. Wartime racial, ethnic, and associational profiling is always a good idea when the enemy is readily identifiable by analyzing such parameters. You have to step on some toes to win a war.

If the "Islamic Fascists", as President Bush has taken to calling them, are almost invariably followers of Mohammed, we should be watching them with suspicion. If they don't like it, they can cleanse their Mosques and Islamic Centers of the elements that bring such well-deserved suspicions down on their heads. That, or quit bellyaching when they get hauled out of line for special attention just for being Moslems.

It is wrong to ask those responsible for our security to refrain from using their judgment and common sense in carrying out their duties. Yet we have heard horror stories about senseless and risky PC behavior by our Homeland Defense officials. Blue-haired grannies searched while cursing young Arabs are passed without a second glance. They need to be replaced with folks who will put our National Defense before Political Correctness and tact. No more accomodating these murderous Mohammedans.
"Slow down, bud. What's that you got there, a Koran? You better come with me." Get used to it.

August 14, 2006

Cease-fire in Lebanon

UN's New Hezbollah Flag
I feel better about the situation in the Levant now that France and the UN are involved. Nasty Nasrallah is happy, too. Hizbollah or Hezbollah, it translates as the party of God. As long as I can remember, only hard-corps communists have claimed not to be in league with God. I guess the commies at the UN have found religion. Unfortunately, it is Mohammedanism.

From: US Army Pamphlet 20-619
Chinese - Mandarin Phrase Book, 1962

Nebraska Blogger Bash gets crashed

Unwholesome Interlopers
The Nebraska Blog Bash was a big success even though the old feeder had to leave before the crowd at Coyote Willy's started throwing furniture. It takes me two days to get over staying up past midnight, as appears to be the case with certain others in attendance. The real party animals, Mr. Gunscribe and his wife, egged on by Vinnie and Merri, were the life of the bash. Everything was going smoothly until the Lincoln Cell of the Big Red Towelheads Brigade tried to crash the high-security event. I caught a snap of the interlopers as they sidled up to our table posing as toe-tapping, Red State C&W music fans. Like I said, I made my exit before the real trouble got started.

August 12, 2006

Mammary mountain

I had to blog about something while PT's at the blogger's bash in Lincoln. This mountain is in eastern China and is known as dual breast mountain which, if translated to Americana, would probably be Ol' Two Tit. That's the best I could come up with for erotica, guys. Sorry.

Well, it is Saturday night.

Vinnie made me do it

He couldn't resist either. Explanation at Vince aut Morire and perpetration at Six Meat Buffet.

August 11, 2006

A Pak of Lies

Anwaar Hussain - Islamic Fascist?
Anwaar Hussain, writing from the United Arab Emirates in the Pak (of lies) Tribune gives a unique insight into the twisted view of recent events held by our Mohammedan enemies. All this flap about a "Terror Plot" is just ginned up by the Western infidels to promote hatred of Islam. An example:
Statistical analysis has now conclusively proven that every time Blair and Bush slump in approval ratings, a fresh terror alert gives them a rebound back up the charts. Every single major terror alert, hear this, issued by the US, Canadian or UK governments has proven to be either a contrived facade, a setup sting operation or an out-and-out fraud.
Read the story, The London Plot - Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark. These Mohammedans are just as crazy and deluded as the Michael Moore crowd. They are birds of a feather.

Live by the Turtle, Die by the Turtle

Deadly Sea Tutrtle
Shades of Captain Ahab. When I saw this headline, Man Missing After Pulled Into Ocean By Turtle on the Drudge Report I pictured a sun-bathing Florida vacationer dragged into the sea by a huge turtle as the wife and kids screamed in horror. Turns out, this cat had it coming for deliberately annoying the venerable old creatures.

Someone should start tagging biologists to see if they like it.

August 10, 2006

Plans for Fidel Castro's Tomb Unveiled

Artist's Rendition of Castro Tomb
The Ministry of Revolutionary Monuments and Billboards in Havana today released several suggested plans for a fitting tomb for the ailing dictator, and asked the Cuban people to help select a winner. Not that he will need it any time soon, the Monumental Ministry's spokesperson emphasized.
We know that death is inevitable, and we want to be ready with a fitting tomb for El Lider when, decades from now, it is needed." The winning design will need to one that is not a gaudy, imposing bourgeois memorial, but one that is readily accessible by the common man. Therefore the Great Revolutionary Masses have been consulted in making a decision.
The concept drawing the most favorable comments from the Cuban public so far, pictured above, is an interactive monument with four continuous-flush open air urinals. The open air design was favored because it was felt that the visitors would want the world to see as they paid their respects to the fallen Revolutionary. The unique design permits up to four mourners to approach Castro's last resting place at once.

A few negative comments on the "Fidel-Pis" design have been heard from women's advocacy groups. They admit that it would be unladylike for them to honor Fidel's memory in the same manner as the men, but feel some accommodation should be made.

Seriously, the cats at Babalu Blog are continuing the death watch over the failing communist dictator. Or should I say, death wish! World events sometimes have a way of pushing important stuff like castro's continued suffering off the front pages and out of our minds. Just another reason to lick the Mohammedan Jihadis quickly; then we can go back to smashing communism and its evils full time.

Free Advice for Mohammedan Terrorist Plotters

Reuters File Photo
At your next terror cell meeting, take a look around the room. At least one and possibly several of your supposed comrades is a spy. The odds are your cell has been penetrated by Western intelligence. Your plans will be known in Scotland Yard and Washington D.C. before your meeting is over. Your plots will be foiled because one or more of your own is ratting you out. Do you know whom you can trust? Do you already suspect someone of spying for the West? Is it you?
Addendum: The proof (via Drudge)
Plan to blow up 6-10 planes in mid-flight over ocean...
'Mass murder' bomb plot...
May have been 'the Big One'...
'Suggestive' of al-Qaida...
UK police hold 21...
REPORT: Citizens of Pakistani Descent...
Britain on highest alert...
USA raises air security alert to red for first time...
Bush: 'This country is safer than it was prior to 9-11'...
Statement by Homeland Security...
Text: Chertoff's Statement...

Start rattling your worry beads boys.

August 09, 2006

Plains Feeder on CNN

Plains Feeder post on CNN
The old feeder just got an e-mail from Vinnie at Vince aut Morire and The Jawa Report, telling me that CNN had used the Plains Feeder as a background for something, along with this link to Hot Air's post, Video: Charles Johnson, Howard Kurtz, Anderson Cooper on Reutersgate. I watched it and, sure enough, there appeared this post from the Plains Feeder. Now I've seen everything.
Addendum: I confess. I had to promise CNN I wouldn't post some photoshops I have of Paula Zahn to get the Plains Feeder included in such company as Little Green Footballs, Michelle Malkin, Media Blog, Visual Editors and Buzz Machine.

Cop a laugh

Very funny! Vinnie has a real pants pisser at Vince aut Morire.
I didn't think anyone read both Yeats and the Huffington Post.

President Bush's head on a stick

Kabobfest Logo: western leaders beheaded, skewered
In a previous post I introduced Plains Feeder readers to an Arab-American blog, KabobFest. I don't much care for their adulation of Hezbollah or their other borderline Jihadi hijinks. This is America, and we can pretty much say and blog as we please. Even enemy sympathizers get their say if they want.

In the comments, I mentioned that the masthead logo (above) for KabobFest suggested beheading the leaders of western civilization. Not that I care if these wannabe Arabists want to crack tough as they blog safely from their homes in America, but the idea is certainly tasteless. Little did I know just how tasteless until I snooped around the internets to find the original 'Sheesh Kabob' picture these clowns used to photoshop up their logo. Here it is:

Click photo for full-size view
Talk about tasteless! They used an illustration from a web site advertising, of all things, meatless meat kabobs! What could be worse than soybeans posing as meat? Ugh! Maybe they are vegetarian Jihadists, Maybe they just liked the chewed-down fingernail on the thumb holding President Bush's head in the picture. Like I said, tasteless.

Blow-up: President Bush's head skewered on a stick!
I wonder what Heartline Meats and the Whole Earth Vegetarian Catalog, who put up the original picture, think of their picture being hijacked for an Arabist blog logo? I'll bet they are sympathetic if not connected to the kids at KabobFest. After all, what kind of people think you will pay $7.00 a pound for fake hamburger made out of soybeans?

August 08, 2006

Tetanus Blues

Not My Feet
The old feeder just can't get going this afternoon. A few days ago, I saw something interesting that the ill winds of late had blown into my grove. As usual, I was unshod and wearing only shorts, but I decided to recover the possibly useful object without further preparations. There is always plenty of time to rue actions taken in haste; today I wish I had stopped to put on some trou and boots.

Not only did I pierce my foot on some hidden sharp thing, but I got a rash all over my legs. Today I went to the Doctor for a tetanus shot. As you may know, I am a believer in field expedient medicine, and almost never see a Doctor. However, I only know one field expedient tetanus prophylaxis for puncture wounds: lay open the puncture to the bottom with a knife. This permits air to get to the very deepest recesses of the wound. Free oxygen discourages growth of anaerobic bacteria like Clostridium tetani which causes tetanus or lockjaw.

I'm not that far out in the field. The Doc says I don't have poison ivy or anything else he could identify, so he pronounced it "some sort of contact dermatitis." He gave his approval to my continued slathering of the affected areas with calamine lotion. The itchy red welts are drying up and the hole in my foot is healing nicely. But the tetanus shot has given me a sore shoulder and left me feeling kind of blah.
About the gourd. I was going to illustrate this post with a picture of my punctured foot and my rash. I decided to use a picture I took of a nice, big gourd growing in my grove, taken minutes before I ventured into the thicket after my treasure. Too many complaints about the last foot photo.

August 07, 2006

KETV News Wins the Real Plain Reporting Prize, the website for Omaha's Channel 7 News, takes the Plains Feeder's Real Plain Reporting Prize with this cryptic story: - Authorities Investigate Incident At Nebraska Medical Center. The entire copyrighted story is quoted here:
OMAHA, Neb. -- Omaha authorities continue to investigate an incident at the Nebraska Medical Center.

A hospital representative told NewsWatch 7 that a security officer noticed a door forced open at about 6 p.m. at the specialty services pavilion.

The hospital said the security officer was wearing a vest and was not wounded.

The security officer knocked the knife out of the man's hand and the suspect ran off, according to the hospital.

Omaha police were called and a search ended at about 9 p.m. Sunday.
Can you tell what happened?

Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel: US troops won't help in Iraq

Hagel: America Can't Do It
Senator Chuck Hagel, RINO Nebraska, continues his embarrassing (to Nebraskans) undermining of President Bush's wartime policies. Chuck, known to PF readers for back-biting the President with his ridiculous insistence that the War on Terror will just turn into another Viet-Nam now says "no good options exist for the U.S in Iraq and suggested enlisting former Presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush the elder to convene a regional peace conference". To quote Senator 'America is Washed Up' Hagel, "It is very wrong to put American troops in a hopeless, winless (sic) situation, just keep feeding them in to what's going on. That's irresponsible and that is wrong."

It is what you are doing Senator Hagel, saying that America is a second-rate country that can't live up to its international promises, that is irresponsible. America deserves better than your can't-do trash talk. You are starting to sound like another big loser.
Is that a Mohammedan Green tie you are wearing, Senator?

August 06, 2006

Çöp Şiş at the KABOB-fest

Çöp Şiş
Check out KABOBfest, an Arab-American blog. They don't think anyone in the press might be biased against Israel. Any more than they are, at least. This blog sounds more like Çöp Şiş to me. I'll go back for more, just as I would give any restaurant a second try. KabobFest seems to have numerous contributors, maybe it was just the main cook's day off. Anyhow, what I had was seasoned with too much Bush conspiracy theory and served in an overly anti-Israeli atmosphere.
Çöp Şiş, (chirp sheesh) means "trash on a stick". They are miniature Sheesh Kabobs sold by sidewalk grillers. Whereas a kabob (or kebob or kebap) is a good sized chunk of meat, Çöp Şiş is made with little tiny scraps of mutton skewered with chunks of mutton fat on a small skewer.
Can't see Turkish letters? Click here.

Fake Reuters News Photo

The Zionists are Destroying Peaceful Lebanon
Everybody is blogging about the doctored photo published by Reuters wire service. Adnan Hajj, previously involved in staging the Qana kiddie killings photo-op for Hezbollah, isn't just some rogue Reuters photog with a hair up his ass about Israel's existence. It is, in my opinion, merely a more obvious element in a generalized scheme by the so-called mainstream media to propagandize their anti-semitic and anti-zionist agenda. In the past, we only caught the extreme examples of such distortions and untruths. Like Dan Rather's 'fake but accurate' stories about Bush's service record.

The Blogosphere has been pretty good at ferreting out examples of these attempts to sway US public opinion through doctored photographs, phony documents and outright lies. Here are some of the heavyweights that have chimed in to expose and condemn Reuters for their latest botched propaganda effort:
Exposing these treacherous propagandists posing as photojournalists and reporters is important work. The International news media has become a threat to our intelligent exercise of democracy. I say flush them out, try them as spies or enemy agents, and punish them severely. What Reuters and others are doing isn't protected free speech, but are acts of war.
In the Feed Trough: see photoshopped nukes strike Lebanon!

August 6, 1945: First Atomic Bomb dropped on Japan

Atomic Bombers
It is time to remember Hiroshima again. Dropping the atomic bomb on Japan was the right decision. About 75,000 people died almost at once. By December, almost 150,000 would be dead from that single uranium bomb. How many have died since then from lingering effects of the bomb is anyone's guess.

Anyone can build a "gun-type" atom bomb. The only ingredient that is hard to get is fissile material like Uranium 238 or 235. If we don't win the war against the Mohammedan Jihad, you can expect to see one going off in a town near you.

August 05, 2006

Castro the Conservationist?

Castro's Eco-Legacy
Give me a break! It's a good thing Cuba's commie economy has always been too poor to afford pollution? The illuminati at the National Geographic will go to great lengths to say something nice about the rotting old Cuban dictator and the ruin he has made of Cuba. The once-great magazine's editors like to put a shine on Hugo Chavez as well.

Check out this Bolshevik kiddy re-education page at the Geographic. The National Geographic should stick to stories about rich cats' South Seas adventures and photos of bare breasted natives.

Another Hot Shotgunner

Rita Roherty: "You let an old lady beat you?"
No, it isn't shotgun sweeties week here at the Plains Feeder. Vinnie at Vince aut Morire has a crush on this trap-shooting grandma. I think he just wants to play with her guns. He says he would like to marry Rita, but wouldn't "bother consummating it."

I hope Merri doesn't see this. Do you suppose Vinnie will still want to bother Merri when she's a white haired, gun-totin' granny?

August 04, 2006

Melissa Midwest, Lincoln Nebraska's Exhibitionist Convicted Again

Melissa Harrington
Lincoln, Nebraska icon, Melissa Harrington has always billed herself as a natural-born exhibitionist. It seems she has a penchant for baring parts of herself in public, then posting photos of her exploits on one of her more explicitly pornographic not safe for work websites. Her first bust for public nudity on the internet is detailed by this Smoking Gun page, with more here. I thought it seemed a reach for the cops at the time.

Melissa's latest conviction arose from her involvement with an innocent wet tee-shirt contest in some Lincoln night spot or other. Lincoln is amazingly prudish for a college town.

August 02, 2006

Mohammedan Fun Day Called Off for Lack of Interest

Muslim Fun Day - Click for Virgins
Seen on Drudge: "Britain's biggest theme park has called off the country's first 'National Muslim Fun Day' because of lack of interest, the park said Wednesday." Mohammedan fun? I can only imagine.

August 01, 2006

Accused Child Rapist John Monetti back on Long Island?

Update: Click for the latest post on John Monetti.

"Well, I haven't really done anything wrong."
As the old feeder has blogged previously, news about the case of Mr John Monetti has fallen from the front pages. I get numerous anxious e-mails from cats who ask if there have been any new developments. I also get tips from concerned folks following Monetti's case. This post is an update; links to previous posts on the topic are at the bottom.

Mr. Monetti, a respected teacher and school administrator from Long Island, New York, was arrested and charged with child rape in Blair, Nebraska. Evidence shows that Monetti met an underage, autistic girl from Blair, Nebraska on the internet, then flew out here to have sex with her on numerous occasions before getting caught. He has been charged with felony first degree sexual assault of a minor, felony sexual assault with use of a computer, felony child abuse and third degree sexual assault here in Nebraska. These are serious charges that could result in a great deal of prison time for Mr. Monetti if convicted.

After a few days in jail, Mr. Monetti posted $250,000, 10% of his total bond of $2.5 million, and is currently free on a restrictive bail. The terms of his release from jail allow him to return to Long Island, where he must live with his parents. The feeder previously opined that Mr. Monetti might not wish to return to New York, but might skip out; who wants to spend decades in a prison in the middle of nowhere

Rumors and tips that the accused child molester may have returned to Long Island have reached the Plains Feeder. I'm given to understand that the area where his parents live is made up of the sort of small towns that make anonymity difficult. If Mr. Monetti was back home, folks there would know quickly. I have had e-mail tips to the effect that his parents may have more than one residence, but so far only a few Long Islanders have reported contact with him, and those were 'off the record' as to details. I can't say more regarding his possible return to Long Island or his reception there, pending confirmation.

There have been news reports that Monetti may have had child pornography on his computer at home in Suffolk County, New York. His computer there was taken by police, but no charges have been filed. I have reports from Long Islanders indicating that the authorities there frequently turn a blind eye to this sort of behavior. That would be sad. For so many years these crimes went unmentioned and unpunished.
There isn't much to report on the status of Mr. Monetti's legal troubles here in Nebraska. I'm sure his case is on the docket at the Washington County, Nebraska courthouse. There will be discovery, motions, delays and plea-bargain meetings. All of this takes time. You can pester Ms. Paulsen, the court clerk, for details, but I don't advise doing so. I'm confident that the fine reporters at the Washington County Pilot-Tribune and the Times of Smithtown will tip us to any new legal developments in either Nebraska or Long Island.
I'm trying to anticipate Mr. Monetti's defense attorney. What do you suppose he will do?
Previous John Monetti posts in the Plains Feeder:
July 13, 2006: John Monetti Update
June 30, 2006 : John Monetti, accused child molester, makes bail
June 14, 2006: John Monetti's Bond Set In Blair, Nebraska
June 07, 2006: John Monetti Arrested in Nebraska - Update
June 02, 2006: NY Teacher/Pedophile busted in Nebraska

Time for Nebraska to Disown Senator Chuck Hagel

Sen. Chuck "Viet-Nam" Hagel
What wakes me up this morning? I expected to hear the happy news that castro is dead. But noooo. What I hear is my bedside radio announcing that Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel (RINO, Neb.) has issued, as KKAR News put it, "a direct challenge to President Bush". Again, he plays into the enemy's hand, pathetically likening the entire Mid-East situation to Viet-Nam, and as much as orders President Bush to stop the awful carnage in the Middle East right now! As if Bush started the problems brave Israel is trying to fix. The Israelis are helping us by fighting these Hezbollah terrorists, so Chuck bites their backs as well.

I'm sure all of this idiocy that Chuck Hagel has been spewing since 9/11 can't be just on account of his unhappy tour in Viet-Nam. I used to think it was, and have said so here in the Plains Feeder repeatedly. And it can't be just Hagel's selfish desire to win the Republican nomination to run for the White House in '08. The polls should have disabused him of that fantasy some time ago. No, I think Senator Hagel has turned his coat. He is fighting for the other side, and I don't mean just the Democrats. He is sowing defeatist doubts.

Nebraskans need to make it clear that we don't support Senator Chuck Hagel in his treacherous undermining of our President's foreign policy. We don't want folks in the rest of the nation thinking we are as stupid and duplicitous as Chuck Hagel.

It's time for Nebraska to disown Chuck Hagel.
What next, Senator Hagel? Will you start burning the flag?
Addendum: Constance Cumbey blogs about "Chuck Hagel’s long time and seemingly close relationship with Javier Solana". This link with the one-world, pinko Mr. EU is one of those things Chuck doesn't brag about when he puts on his work shirt and boots to visit his constituents. This is a juicy but disturbing post. Be sure to read the far-out comments.